Backup Scheduler 98


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Schedules and starts an unattended backup job using Microsoft Window 98's included Backup and Scheduled Tasks utilities. Require MS Windows 98.

After downloading the zip file, you will need to unzip it. If you do not have an unzip utility, we suggest you download a free evaluation copy of Winzip at After unzipping the files, you can begin by clicking the the Setup.exe file. This program uses the Installsheild installation manager. You can uninstall the program through the Add/Remove area of your control panel.

Setup your Backup Job
Open the Microsoft Windows 98 Backup utility through the Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools Menu.
Setup your backup job and save. Note the job name.

Be sure to have the following options selected. They are need to automate your backup.
+ "Show Startup Dialog when Microsoft Backup is started" from the Tools/Preferences... Menu
+ "Overwrite the media with this backup" from the General Tab of the Job/Options Menu
+ "Perform an unattended backup" from the Report Tab of the Job/Options Menu

All other settings are up to you. Reference the Microsoft Help Screens as needed.

You must run your backup once manually to ensure that the settings are proper.

Schedule the Backup Job
We now need to schedule Cibeo's Backup Scheduler 98 to run your backup when you want. Open the Scheduled Tasks folder from the Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools Menu. Click the Add Scheduled Task icon. The system will search out available programs to schedule. Select the Backup Scheduler 98 program from the list. Follow
through the pages of the Wizard, completing the settings to your desire. Select the "Open advance properties.." option on the last page of the wizard. In the Run section of the advanced properties dialog box, you will need to edit the line to read as follows:

C:\PROGRA~1\CIBEOS~1\BACKUP~1\BACKUP~1.EXE "your backup job name here"

example: C:\PROGRA~1\CIBEOS~1\BACKUP~1\BACKUP~1.EXE "nightly"
example: C:\PROGRA~1\CIBEOS~1\BACKUP~1\BACKUP~1.EXE "my nightly backup"

note - on earlier versions of Backup Scheduler 98 (less than version 3.1), you need to specify the operation by including the word "backup" after the executable path, but before the backup job name.

example: C:\PROGRA~1\CIBEOS~1\BACKUP~1\BACKUP~1.EXE backup "mynightlybackup"
backup "my nightly backup"

You are all setup for your backup. You can test the settings by resetting your system clock to be 1 minute before the scheduled. Sit back and watch it happen.

Setup and Schedule an off-site reminder
Cibeo's Backup Scheduler 98 can also help you to remember to take your backup off site. To setup this feature, go to the Cibeo Backup Scheduler program at the Start/Programs/Cibeo Sfotware/ menu. Click the reminders tab. You can setup reminder messages with different reminder names. You can schedule these reminders through the Scheduled Tasks folder as you did the backup job.  In the Run section of the advanced properties dialog box, you will need to edit the line to read as follows:

C:\PROGRA~1\CIBEOS~1\BACKUP~1\BACKUP~1.EXE reminder "your reminder message name here"

Backup Scheduler Options
The backup scheduler program has options which control how it interacts with the Microsoft Windows 98 Backup utility.  These options are useful if you are having trouble getting the Backup Scheduler to communicate properly with the Microsoft Windows 98 Backup utility.  To adjust these options, go to the Cibeo Backup Scheduler program at the Start/Programs/Cibeo Software menu. Click the options tab.  You can adjust the overall speed at which the Backup Scheduler program communicates with the Microsoft Windows 98 Backup utility.  You can also make more advanced changes to the communication settings  via the Advanced options button.  Be careful when making advanced changes to the communication settings, as it may cause your unattended backup to fail.

You will notice that when the backup has completed that the Backup report remains on the screen to assure you of the successful backup. Our program also offers additional reporting if the backup could not be started.


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Cibeo Software

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PO Box 1713
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Keene NH 03431-1713